Energy Modelling
Dune Engineering > Energy Modelling
National Energy Code for Buildings
The National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) establishes building standards for commercial buildings and requires that a minimum energy and environmental performance be met. The national energy code offers flexibility with three compliance paths: prescriptive, trade-off and performance.
Prescriptive Path:
Involves following the prescriptive requirements of each section of the code. It basically operates as a checklist to be followed. DUNE Engineering can assist with the prescriptive path checklists required for your jurisdiction, which must be submitted with the construction drawings and mechanical specifications as part of your building permit application.
Trade-off Path:
Provides more flexibility in design, enabling the facility owner and design team to trade elements within the same “part” of the energy code. For example, if your design calls for more window area than prescribed by the code, you may be able to compensate by improving the insulation in the building envelope.
Performance Path:
Offers the most design flexibility and requires that the building simply demonstrate that the proposed design will not consume more energy than an equivalent building built to the standards of the NECB prescriptive path. This path is often accessed as it enables the energy modeller, designer and builder the freedom to find the most economical way to meet the building code.
DUNE Engineering utilizes Integrated Environmental Solutions – Virtual Environment energy modeling software to demonstrate compliance with the national energy code. This software is compliant with ASHREA Standard 140 and is accepted for NECB compliance modelling.
Whatever path you choose, our energy engineering team will be happy to provide guidance and assistance to meet your code compliance needs.
Mike Krokis, President, P. Eng, CEM
[email protected]